Log-in with Dropbox

Log-in with Dropbox


 Login with Dropbox (SSO_dropbox) plugin is a part of Cloud signup module v2. Once enabled it will allow your customers to:

  • log-in to your HostBill client portal using Dropbox (provided that they're already registered with you using the same email address as in Dropbox)
  • sign-up in your HostBill using cloud signup form and/or regular login form (only if Cloud Signup module is active)

Module configuration

  1. Activate SSO_dropbox module in your HostBill in Settings → Modules                      

  2. To to obtain configuration data 

    1. Go into: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
    2. Click the Create app button
    3. Copy the App Key and App Secret to configure the plugin                                              
    4. From the plugin configuration copy the Callback url and paste it into the redirect urls. 
    5. Confirm by clicking "Add" 


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