Configure Payment Gateways
Configure Payment Gateways
How to start
HostBill supports more than 100 payment gateways. That gives you unlimited possibilities for payment methods. With HostBill you can be sure to find a gateway that best suits your needs. In order to activate a payment module you need to:
- Go under Settings -> Modules -> Payment Modules
- If you currently don't have any active modules, you can add them by clicking "Activate modules"
- Choose the payment gateway and click Activate
- The last step is the configuration of a given payment gateway. Configuration options differs for each payment gateway, you can obtain details for your gateway module from your gateway/merchant account provider.
Payment Gateways supported by HostBill
- Deprecated payment modules
- 2Checkout
- ACI Gateway
- Adyen
- AliPay
- AliPay Cross-Border
- AllPay
- Amazon Simple Pay
- Assist.ru
- Authorize.Net
- Bambora
- Bank Transfer
- Barion
- BillPro
- BitPay.com
- Autopay (BlueMedia)
- BluePay
- BlueSnap
- BrainTree Payment Solutions
- BTCPay Server
- Buckaroo
- CCAvenue
- Checkout.fi
- ChronoPay
- Coinbase Commerce
- CoinGate
- Coinify
- Coinpayments
- Collective POS
- Conekta & Oxxo
- Credit Card
- Culqi
- Cybersource
- Dibs
- Direct Debit
- DixiPay
- Dotpay
- E-xact Transactions
- EasyPay
- ePayDK
- EveryPay
- eWay
- GoCardless.com
- GuardianPayments
- HiPay
- Hubtel
- IDeal
- ipay88
- IPPay
- ITransact
- Klarna Checkout
- KNet
- Liqpay
- MailInPayment
- Manual Credit Card Processing
- MoIP
- Mollie
- MolPay
- Moneris Gateway
- MultiSafepay
- NaviGate
- Neteller
- NoChex
- Omise Gateway
- PagoMaster
- Pagseguro
- PAY.
- Payeezy (First Data Global Gateway e4)
- PayFast
- Paygate
- PayJunction
- Paymate
- Paymentwall
- Paypal
- PayPal Billing Agreements
- PayPlug
- Paysafe Card Processing
- Paysafe Card Processing w. Tokenization
- Paysafecard
- Paysera
- Payson Checkout
- Payssion
- Paystack
- PayTM
- payU
- PayZa
- Pin Payments
- Pivotal
- PlanetAuthorize
- PlatnosciPL
- PostFinance
- PsiGate
- QuantumGateway
- QuickPay
- Rave
- Razorpay
- Realex Payments
- Robokassa.ru
- RocketGate
- SagePay / Opayo / Elavon
- SecurePay
- SecurePay.com.au
- Skrill
- Square
- Stripe.com
- Webhook Setup - Stripe.com
- Restricted API keys - Stripe.com
- Stripe Checkout v2
- Stripe Intents - 3D Secure integration
- Stripe Intents - BACS Integration
- Stripe Intents - BECS Integration
- Stripe Payment Request Button
- Stripe Intents ACH
- Stripe Intents - Alipay
- Stripe Intents SEPA Direct Debit
- Stripe Intents - FPX
- Stripe Intents - ACSS Integration - pre-authorized debit payments
- Stripe Intents - EPS
- Stripe Intents - Giropay
- Stripe Intents - iDeal
- Stripe Intents - Multibanco
- Stripe Intents - P24
- Stripe Intents - Sofort
- Stripe Intents - WeChat Pay
- Stripe Intents - Bancontact
- Stripe.com Deprecated Modules
- Swish
- TrustPay
- USA ePay
- Webmoney
- WeChat Pay
- WePay
- WorldPay
- Yandex Kassa
- Peach Payments
- Redsys
- QuickBooks Payments
- PerfectMoney
- Utrust
- Duitku
- TriPay
- Crypto.com
- Revolut
- Global Payments
- Rapyd
- CH Datatrans
- Cryptomus
- NOWPayments
- Paddle Classic
- PayNow
- Przelewy24
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