Transactional E-mail Modules

Transactional E-mail Modules


Transactional emails are one-to-one emails, sent to single individual user, usually in a response to an action taken by that user - and that's why they're also called 'triggered' emails. Those messages contain important notifications and confirmations, such as account creation emails, account notifications, password resets, order confirmation etc.

HostBill can send transactional emails using:

  • PHPmail function
  • SMTP
  • Transactional email modules

Using transactional email requires activating and configuring one of available transactional email modules, which are free and included in all HostBill versions. 
After enabling the module to send transactional emails, make sure to update your mail settings in Outgoing email configuration.

HostBill supports following transactional email modules:

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