Log-in with Twitch

Log-in with Twitch


 Login with Twitch (SSO_twitch) plugin is a part of Cloud signup module v2. Once enabled it will allow your customers to:

  • log-in to your HostBill client portal using Twitch (provided that they're already registered with you using the same email address as in Twitch)
  • sign-up in your HostBill using cloud signup form and/or regular login form (only if Cloud Signup module is active)

Module configuration

  1. Activate SSO_twitch module in your HostBill in Settings → Modules                      

  2. To to obtain configuration data (Client ID and Client Secret)

    1. Go into: https://dev.twitch.tv/console
    2. Click on Register your Application                                                                                   
    3. Enter the application name and paste the redirect URL from HostBill module configuration page                                                                                    
    4. In the "Category" field choose: website integration
    5. In the "Client Type" choose: confidential
    6. Copy the client ID into HostBill module configuration page
    7. Copy the client secret into HostBill module configuration page


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