The module provides support for ZUGFeRD - one of the two established e-invoice formats in Germany. The plugin enables users to generate XML invoices automatically or upon request, store and export XML invoices for electronic invoicing and embed XML into PDF invoices HostBill generates
Please ensure to verify exported files with your accountant. Module requires PHP 7.4 or higher
Activating the module
- If the plugin is included in your HostBill edition you can download it from your client portal.
- If the plugin is not included in your HostBill edition you can purchase it from our marketplace and then download it from the client area.
- Once you download the plugin extract it in the main HostBill directory.
- Go to Settings → Modules → Plugins → Inactive, find and activate xml_zugferd plugin.
- Once the plugin is activated you will be directed to Settings→ Modules→ Plugins to configure the module.
Module configuration
Fill in the configuration fields:
- Choose module display name
- Select if you want the plugin to be accessible for all staff members or only selected staff members
- Format - select from the dropdown list of the supported CII profiles:
- EN16931 Minimum
- EN16931 Basic
- EN16931 Basic WL
- EN16931 Comfort
- EN16931 Extended
- EN16931 XRechnung 1.x
- EN16931 XRechnung 2.x
- EN16931 XRechnung 3.x
- Seller: Company Name - your company name, if none is set, the module will use the one from general settings
- Seller: Global ID - the seller's identifier identification scheme is an identifier uniquely assigned to a seller by global registration organization.
- Seller: Global ID Type - if the identifier is used for the identification scheme, it must be selected from the entries in the list published by the ISO / IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency
- Seller: Email Communication - email for communication
- Seller: 1st Tax Type - type of tax number of the seller (FC = Tax number, VA = Sales tax identification number)
- Seller: 1st Tax ID - tax number of the seller or sales tax identification number of the seller. In case of VA: add a prefix in accordance with ISO code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 by which the country of issue may be identified)
- Seller: 2nd Tax Type - type of additional tax number of the seller (FC = Tax number, VA = Sales tax identification number)
- Seller: 2nd Tax ID - additional tax number of the seller or sales tax identification number of the seller
- Seller: Address Line 1 - your company address line 1
- Seller: Address Line 2 - your company address line 2
- Seller: Postal Code - your company postal code
- Seller: City - your company's city
- Seller: Country - your country code in ISO_3166-1 format, ie: DE
- Seller: State - your company registration state/province
- Seller: Bank/SEPA IBAN - a unique identifier for the financial account held with a payment service provider to which the payment should be made, eg use an IBAN (in the case of a SEPA payment) for a national ProprietaryID
- Seller: Bank/SEPA BIC - a unique identifier for the financial account held with a payment service provider to which the payment should be made
- Seller: SEPA: Creditor ID - in case of SEPA-related payment: Identifier of the creditor
- Seller: Contact Person Name - contact point for a legal entity, such as personal name of the contact person
- Seller: Contact Department Name - contact point for the legal entity, such as a name of the department of office
- Seller: Contact Phone
- Seller: Contact Fax no
- Seller: Contact Email
- Buyer: IBAN Registration Field - optional, registration field variable name used for storing customer IBAN, used when SEPA-related gateway is used on invoice
- Buyer: VAT Registration Field - registration field variable name used for storing customer VAT number. ie: 'vateu'
- Buyer: Identifier field - optional: registration field variable name used for storing custom customer identifier
- Unit Quantity Code - defaults to C62 if not set. The unit of measure is applicable to the amount billed. The unit of measurement must be taken from the lists from UN / ECE Recommendation No 20.
- Item notes - additional notes to be added for each invoice item in ZUGFeRD xml. You can use Smarty template logic/variables here. Available variables:
} - array with invoice details, as in Available Email / Mobile Notifications Variables{$item}
- invoice item details, including:Item name: {$item.description}
Unit cost: {$item.amount}
Quantity: {$item.qty}
Item cost without discount: {$item.amountqty}
Item cost without tax: {$item.linetotal}
Is item taxed?: {$item.taxed}
Tax rate [%]: {$item.tax_rate}
- Array with Related account details (if line relates to account):
{$item.account}, ie: {$item.account.next_due}
- Array with Related domain details (if line relates to domain):
, ie: {$item.domain.name}
- Array with Related addon details (if line relates to addon):
{$item.addon}, ie: {$item.addon.account_id}
- Payment Terms - required for unpaid invoices. Smarty is available here, you can access {$invoice} details as in email/document template
- Payment term due date - when enabled due date will be passed for unpaid invoices into payment terms
- Delivery date - specify delivery date to be exported in xml file. If none is selected, delivery date will, not be set. According to the German UStG §14, the indication of the time of delivery or other service is mandatory.
- Auto-validate - auto-validate each newly generated XML invoice. Use for testing stage only as it will significantly slow down xml generation. Any errors returned during validation will be logged to main HostBill log file.
- Attach Zugferd to PDF - when enabled Zugferd XML will be auto-attached to PDF invoices generated by HostBill.
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