Setting up metered (Resource-based) billing for CloudStack

Setting up metered (Resource-based) billing for CloudStack

For metered (hourly) billing to work your Cloudstack needs to have usage server running - learn more 

  1. In HostBill go to Settings → Products & Services, and select your Cloudstack orderpage
  2. Select product you wish to setup metered billing for
  3. From Pricing option select Metered
  4. Setup variables you wish to bill your customer for, according to its usage. Following variables are available to be measured/billed:
    • Running VM - total running time of a VM per usage record period. Enter cost of having 1VM working for 1H.
    • Allocated VM - total allocated time of a VM per usage record period. Enter cost of having 1VM allocated for 1H.
    • Public IP address - public IP address. Enter cost of having 1public IP for 1hour.
    • Traffic - total number of GB received+sent. Enter cost of 1GB traffic.
    • Volume - total disk volume used per hour. Enter cost of 1GB used per 1Hour.
    • Template - total templates size used per hour. Enter cost of 1GB used per 1Hour.
    • Snapshot - total snapshot size used per hour. Enter cost of 1GB used per 1Hour.
  5. Additionally, you can setup billing method per each variable, and pricing slabs/tiers:
    • Tiered scheme
      Every unit charge is calculated with each measurement based on its own tier.

      i.e.: 1-2: $1, 3-4: $2, qtys are: 1,3; charge: 1*$1 + 3*$2
    • Overage tiers
      Use this scheme as tiered, where each expected measurement is low (i.e. hourly bandwidth).

      i.e.: 0-100: $0, 101-150: $1 :

      up to 100 - free, everything above 100 - $1/unit. So total of: 102 measured will cost $2

    • Volume scheme
      All units charge is calculated based on total count in period and related bracket.

      ie.: 1-2: $1, 3-4: $2, qtys are: 1,3; charge: 4*$2
    • Stairstep scheme
      Total cost is calculated based on price bracket, charge is for entire bracket not certain units

      i.e.: 1-5: $1, 6-10: $2, total qty: 7, charge: $2
  6. By filling Fixed recurring fee you can setup flat fee that will be added to customer charge, no matter of actual usage

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