Quickbooks Online Auto-Export module

Quickbooks Online Auto-Export module


Quickbooks Online module for HostBill enables data export from HostBill billing platform to Quickbooks Online accounting software. The module allows to seamlessly export existing customers, transactions and issued invoices information and set automation rules to export new customers, new recurring invoices and new transactions into Quickbooks Online accounting software.

Activating the module

  1. If the plugin is included in your HostBill edition you can download it from your client portal.
  2. If the plugin is not included in your HostBill edition you can purchase it from our marketplace and then download it from the client area.
  3. Once you download the plugin extract it in the main HostBill directory.
  4. Go to Settings → Modules, find and activate Qucikbooks Online plugin.

Note that are two version for this module, first one requires apps that use OAuth 1.0a. Those are available only for older QuickBooks accounts.

The second one requires OAuth 2.0. You need to activate only one of those modules depending on OAuth version supported by your QuickBooks app.

Setting up OAuth 2.0 connection

Sign-up on https://developer.intuit.com/ to create an app used for OAuth authorization and api access.

Once you log in in your developer account navigate to My Apps and click on Create new app button, from available options choose Just start coding → Select APIs

On the next screen check Accounting and click Create app button

When your app is created, navigate to Keys tab and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

Login to HostBill admin area and navigate to QuickBooks Online module configuration, paste your Client ID and Client Secret in related forms.

Copy redirect url shown under module description in HostBill, open your QuickBooks app page and add it as one of the redirect URI.

Save your module configuration and click on Connect to QuickBooks Online, it will open a page that will let you select your company and ask if you agree to grant access to it.

mcrypt support for php 7.2

Our Quickbooks implementation uses library which relies on mcrypt. If you're using php 7.2 coming from auto-install, refer to this guide: /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/633208859

New Account

If you have been using QuickBooks Online for testing purposes and want to upgrade to a LIVE account, you need to remove data from the auxiliary tables. You can do this using SQL:

TRUNCATE TABLE quickbooks_clients;
TRUNCATE TABLE quickbooks_invoices;
TRUNCATE TABLE quickbooks_paymentmethods;
TRUNCATE TABLE quickbooks_transactions;

If you want to delete data only from a specific brand, you should execute the following SQL queries:

DELETE FROM quickbooks_clients WHERE `brand_id` = {$brand_id};
DELETE FROM quickbooks_invoices WHERE `brand_id` = {$brand_id};
DELETE FROM quickbooks_paymentmethods WHERE `brand_id` = {$brand_id};

The {$brand_id} variable should be replaced with the brand ID

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