Configure Flavor-Billing Package

Flavor Billing - How it works?

Create pre-defined VM sizes (flavors) and set hourly price for each of them.
i.e. 512 MB RAM, 1GB RAM, 2 GB RAM
Setup initial package cost, that will be added to client balance as credit for future usage.
I.e. $5 USD - enough for 1 month of 512MB VM use
After purchase HostBill will provision user account in OnApp, mostly unlimited. You can limit VM count, backup size etc.
Client creates and destroys VMs directly from HostBill client area.
Every hour HostBill updates account billing details with number of VMs created and their sizes
Invoice generated is funded from client credit, client can top-up his credit balance at any point


Setup flavors/VM sizes

  • Under settings->modules make sure that Cloud Flavor Manager is active
  • Proceed to Extras->Cloud Flavor Manager
  • Click on Add new flavor
    • Provide flavor name, clien will see it in Create VM section
    • Provide hourly price for this VM Size
    • Tick "Enable" if client should see this size in clientarea
    • Provide description, client will see it in Create VM Section
    • Provide VM details, that will be passed to OnApp to create new VM:
      • Provide Memory amount in MB
      • Disk space in GB
      • CPU Cores count
      • CPU priority (share) in %
      • Swap disk size (for windows template this size will be added to disk space)
      • Network speed in Mbps
  • Save changes
  • Repeat this task for any VM size you wish to offer


Setup Cloud Package Limits

  • Proceed to Settings->Products & Services, add new Orderpage
  • From "Order Type" Select onappcloudv3
  • Pick orderpage, save changes. Add new product
  • Under Connect with App Select Onapp3 Module
  • Select app connection configured in previous steps
  • Setup package Resource limits:
    • From Hypervisor zone pick one where your clients will create VMs
    • Setup maximum virtual machine limits client can create per account
    • From User Role pick User (default OnApp role)
  • Setup package OS Templates limits:
    • Select template groups client have access to
    • By ticking Set template pricing you will be able to configure prices per template - ie monthly charge for Windows templates
  • Setup package Storage/Backups limits:
    • Select global backup space client will have in his account
    • Enter how many backups client can have at once
    • Pick data store zone where HostBill should create for data and swap disks
  • Setup package Network limits:
    • Setup global port speed limit [Mbps] client account will have
    • Select total data client can sent out per month/hour from all his vms
    • Select total data client can receve per month/hour for all his vms
    • Pick network zone client VMs will have access to
  • Save changes


Connect Cloud Package to Flavors

  • Proceed to your cloud package setup in Settings->Products & Services
  • Under billing tab, pick Flavor Billing type:
    • Setup fee - This fee will be added to client credit balance to lower with next recurring invoices.
    • Fixed recurring fee - You can add flat recurring fee to be added to each invoice.
  • Best practice is to limit services per customer under Other settings to 1 service per client
  • Save changes
  • Repeat this task for any VM size you wish to offer