Overview provides a powerful alternative to traditional financial services through the Pay Checkout. With integration for HostBill you can effortlessly start accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and other popular cryptocurrencies on your website. 

Activating the module

In order to activate the module login to your HostBill admin panel, go to Settings → Modules → Payment Modules, choose Crypto_com gateway and click Activate.  

Module configuration

Once the payment gateway is activated you need to configure it.
Please see external articles on how to setup:

Then proceed to filling in all other configuration fields:

  • Publishable Key - The API keys can be found inside the Integration > API Keys tab of your merchant panel
  • Secret Key - The API keys can be found inside the Integration > API Keys tab of your merchant panel
  • Webhook signature - Webhook should be created in  Integration > Webhooks section  your merchant panel, using "callback URL" from HostBill's crypto module


Note about HTTP headers

This module would not work (pay button would not show)  if your server sends following HTTP headers: 

Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp


Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin


Question: I've enabled the module but it does not display in my client portal.
Answer: This module does not support the currency you attempt to display it in, please use background currency conversion.