Log-in with Google
Log-in with Google
Login with Google (SSO_Google) plugin is a part of Cloud signup module v2. Once enabled it will allow your customers to:
- log-in to your HostBill client portal using Google (provided that they're already registered with you using the same email address as in Google)
- sign-up in your HostBill using cloud signup form and/or regular login form (only if Cloud Signup module is active)
Module configuration
Activate SSO_Google module in your HostBill in Settings → Modules
- Obtain App ID and App Secret:
- Go to the https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plus/overview - to enable Google + API you will need to create new project:
- Create a new Google Project with your desired name like HostBill Login
- When project is created, select it and enable Google + API, next go to Credentials page.
- When creating new credential, select OAuth client ID
Obtain Authorized Redirect URIs from HostBill → Settings → Modules → SSO_Google
Enter Client ID and Secret into HostBill module configuration:
- Go to the https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plus/overview - to enable Google + API you will need to create new project:
- If everything is configured properly, once user attempts to log-in he/she will be presented with this screen upon logging in through Google:
, multiple selections available,
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