CPanel: Configuring email piping with HostBill

CPanel: Configuring email piping with HostBill

Add Ticket Department

Department Configuration -> Import Emails

CPanel 11.25 theme x3


 Add Forwarder
 Great you have working email account! Most of work is done. Just few things to do. 
 1) Go to Forwarders 
 2) We want forward emails only from support@dev.hostbillapp.com 
 3) Select "Pipe to program" and paste 
                      Hostname: testdev.hostbillapp.com
                      Username: testdev
 Installation path of HostBill: /home/testdev/public_html/billing
 So we need paste in 3) this string:
 4) We are done. Please send email to support@dev.hostbillapp.com to test configuration!



 POP Configuration
 This is very easy task to do just enter Hostname, Port, Login Name and Password and you are ready for Cron Configuration.

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