Payment gateways: Gateway Supported currencies limit.
You can find this section in HostBill → Settings → Modules → Payment Gateways → Your Payment Gateway → Edit General Settings → Limit to selected currencies.
If you offer more than one payment gateway that support the same currencies and you want to limit particular gateway to accept payments only in particular currency you can use our Gateway supported currencies limit feature.
Use case:
You offer PayPal and 2checkout payment gateways. Both gateways support USD and EUR payments, but you want your clients to pay in USD through PayPal and in EUR through 2checkout.
While configuring the payment gateway, under the Limit to selected currencies section HostBill displays the list of currencies supported by the gateway. From the list you can choose the currencies that you want this particular payment gateway to accept. By default HostBill will select the gateway main currency.
If the Limit to selected currencies feature is disabled, all supported currencies will be available.