Credit cards: credit card isn't charged automatically
If you ever encountered situation where even though your client provided a valid credit card details his/her recurring payments weren't charged automatically by HostBill, you need to check:
- If you enabled ‘Charge Credit Cards’ task under General settings → Task List (it will only work with properly configured Cron)
- If you activated any credit card module under Settings → Modules → Payment Modules
- If client credit card is still valid (expiration date can be now easily controlled with HostBill new plugin - CC Expiration Notify)
How credit cards are saved in HostBill:
- HostBill saves credit card details only when clients use credit card module for payments (during the order).
- HostBill DOES NOT save CVV/CV2/Security code. Client is asked to provide it ONLY at the checkout stage. Note: CVV/CV2/Security code storing remains forbidden and illegal.
- HostBill saves credit card details in DB once the first credit card payment has been performed.
- Clients can delete their credit card form their profiles anytime (only if enabled under General Settings → Billing → Credit cards → Allow to remove CC)
- Credit card number and expiration date are saved in DB as an encrypted data.