Configure HostBill to use Memcached for caching

Configure HostBill to use Memcached for caching

By default HostBill uses file system to store its cache data. Primary use of cache in HostBill is performance/reduced page load times. If you plan to use HostBill in HA (High-availability) setup, you may want to consider using Memcache(d) as your cache driver in HostBill (which is default for HostBill installed with Enterprise installer). 

This guide assumes that:

  • Memcached is already installed, configured and running
  • php-memcached extension is installed

In your HostBill's includes/config.php file add following lines to bottom of file contents:


$config['HBCache.Driver']='memcached';  // we're letting HostBill know we'll use memchached ...

$config['HBCache.Memcached.host']=''; // ... running on ...

$config['HBCache.Memcached.port']=11211; // ... on port 11211

// or you can use DSN notation instead of above:
$config['HBCache.Memcached.DSN']='memcached://my.server.com:11211';  //socket, username:password, weight etc. is available using DSN

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