Using Cloudflare with HostBill

Using Cloudflare with HostBill

There are 3 known potential issues when using Cloudflare with your HostBill.

  1. License issues - due to changing IP address. Contact us to adjust your license to fix this 
  2. Admin UI/ Ajax issues - some dynamically fetched page elements are not loaded. See resolution below.
  3. Sorting not working in Admin UI  - See resolution below.

Problem: I'm using Cloudflare on the server where my HostBill is installed.
In various User Interface sections (both admin and client) I'm getting weird behavior - page elements are not loaded.

Solution: This issue is most likely caused by Cloudflare Auto Minify feature. To disable just HTML part of it:

  1. Log into the Cloudflare dashboard with your Cloudflare account
  2. Select your domain name
  3. Navigate to Speed → Optimization → scroll down a bit and you will see the section “Auto Minify” - there should be the checkbox to unset HTML auto-minify

Problem: I'm using Cloudflare on the server where my HostBill is installed. Auto-updater fails with HTTP 403 error

Solution: Ensure your HostBill server IP is whitelisted/bypassed from Cloudflare checks

Problem: I'm using Cloudflare on the server where my HostBill is installed.
In various Admin Interface sections I'm unable to store order of items that offers drag and drop order feature.

Solution: This issue is most likely caused by Cloudflare Query String Sort. To disable:

  1. Log into the Cloudflare dashboard with your Cloudflare account
  2. Select your domain name
  3. Navigate to Caching → Configuration → and disable the Enable Query String Sort checkbox.

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