Forms: Date field

You can find this section in HostBill Admin â†’ Settings â†’ Products & Services â†’ Your order page â†’ Your product â†’ Components â†’ Forms → Add new form field → Standard text fields → Date field.

Table of contents


Date field is one of the Form fields that enables client to enter date using handy date picker.

Basic settings

In the Basic settings section you can configure:

  • Field name -  the name for this field

  • Required field - choose if you want the field to be required to proceed
  • Description - optionally you can add the description for the field
  • Form group 

Advanced settings

In the Advanced settings section you can configure:

  • CSS Class - field container will be displayed with this css class
  • Group - supported by some order pages to group option
  • Variable name - to use in emails
  • Admin only -  if this option is enabled o
  • Show in cart - d
    • Default - show when priced or enabled in cart and not empty
    • Priced - show when selected value isn't free
    • Force - show even when it's empty or free

DatePicker settings

In the DatePicker settings section you can configure:

  • Start date - minimum date available
  • End date - maximum date available