Task List

Task List

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → General Settings → Task List.

Table of contents


Automation is the main HostBill's advantage. HostBill allows to automate accounts provisioning and lifecycle, billing and payment operations, updating conversion rate, generating invoices and many more. The Task list in HostBill contains a list of default automatic tasks within the application.

Setting up Cron Job

In order to proceed a successful automation in HostBill it's required to set up a Cron Job. Create the Cron Job pointing to the /admin/cron.php file set to run every 5 minutes.

*/5 * * * * php -q /path/to/hb/admin/cron.php

Task List

Task list HostBill contains a list of default automatic tasks, that are proceeded within the application. Also, some modules, such as CloudStack, PayPal, have their own tasks that are automatically added to HostBill task list once they are activated. Some tasks contain a default time (every 5 min) that can't be modified. Other tasks time was set to every day around certain hour and the hour can be modified according to your individual requirements. You don't need to activate all tasks at once and you may add or delete tasks.

The list of default automation tasks includes:

  • Execute custom automation tasks: This task executes custom automation tasks defined in products. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Import Tickets using POP method: This task imports tickets for Support Departments with POP import method enabled. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Run cron functions of Addon Modules: If you create a module addon this task will appear on the list. It automates the addon's functions, such as auto-creation, suspension, unsuspension, invoice generation, etc. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Escalate overdue tickets: If ticket isn't answered within 15 minutes it will be considered as overdue and escalated. The reply time is changeable. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Auto-Close tickets non-answered by client: If ticket isn't answered by client in certain time it can be automatically closed. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Automatic Cancellation Requests Processing: This task automatically processes cancellation requests with an immediate cancellation type. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Update Metered Billing Values: This task updates metered billing values.
  • Auto-Renew Domains: This task attempts to automatically renew domains after receiving payment. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Auto-Register Domains: This task attempts to automatically register domains after receiving payment. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Auto-Transfer Domains: This task attempts to automatically transfer domains after receiving payment. The task by default is called every 5 minutes.
  • Auto provision paid accounts: This task activates an account once the payment is received.
  • Send Invoice Reminders: This task sends an email reminders to clients for unpaid and overdue invoices.
  • Add Late Fee to overdue invoices: This task adds a late fee (if it was enable per product) to all overdue invoices.
  • Send daily Cron-Runs results email: This task sends daily summary of all cron tasks which have been taken to all authorized staff.
  • Generate Invoices: This task generates invoices automatically according to the settings established per product.
  • Perform auto provisioning tasks like suspend/terminate: This task suspends or terminates automatically accounts after a certain days past due date. Number of days are defined per product.
  • Send Expiring Domain Notifications: This task sends automatically email notification to clients about expiring domains accordingly to the settings established during domain configuration.
  • Update Conversion Rates: This task automatically update the conversion date set during the additional currency configuration.
  • Synchronize domain expiration dates with registrars: This task attempts to synchronize expiration dates of 10 domains with registrars, from oldest synchronized domain. For bigger number of domains in HostBill its good to run this task daily, otherwise weekly. You can define an exact day of a week when the task is called
  • Automation queue scheduler: Run this task once a day - it will schedule upcoming automation events & execute due ones, based on custom automation queue defined in products.report
  • Send affiliate monthly referral: This task sends out a monthly report to affiliates
  • Check status of expired domainsThis task automatically changes non-renewed domain status to Expired.
  • Charge Credit CardsThis task attempts to automatically charge stored Credit Cards for due invoices. The task is called everyday at defined by you hour.
  • Mark outdated Estimates Dead: This task changes status of expired estimates to Dead.
  • Synchronize Pending Action Domains: This task synchronizes Pending domains with registrar to check their status of registration.

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