Form groups

Form groups

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → Products & Services → Form groups.

Table of contents


Form Groups feature allows you to connect multiple forms across different products together for the ease of editing.  Updating one field connected into group will result in updating all other fields in this group. 

Form Item Groups feature lets you connect items within selection forms (ie dropdown boxes) across different products for the ease of editing. Updating one form item connected into group will result in updating all other items in this group.

Add form group

To add a new form group simply click on the "Add new form" button and proceed to configuring your group. Enter:

  • Name - name for the group
  • Group type - choose from the dropdown menu which forms the group should concern
  • Description - optionally add the group description
  • Select unapplied forms - following forms with matching type 

Next, you can apply certain flags to the group, which specifies linked elements:

  • Basic - linking the basic options of the form, for example names, required, description etc
  • Pricing - linking prices, if the form is single-item, for example for qty or sliders
  • Advanced - linking all options from the 'advanced' tab (upgrades, downgrades, variable names etc)
  • Specific - linking all 'config' options for a specific type, for example for a slider it will be slider step, unit name, min value, max value etc.
  • Deletion - if this option is enabled, then deleting one element that has a group assigned to it will carry out automatically removing from database all other items that are in this group
  • Field logic - after switching on, any changes in the field logic will be copied to the remaining fields in this group.
  • Items basic - if changing the name or adding a new option, the operation will be repeated in the related forms (Fields must have variables set for proper operation)
  • Items variables - linking the variable items to each other, for example if change the variable name from centos-7 to centos-71, the variable will be changed in all related items
  • Items pricing - if the price of an item will be changed, then related items in other forms in this group will also have edited pricing
  • Items deletion - deleting item will result in deleting all related items.

Add form item group

To add a new form group simply click on the "Add new form item group" button and proceed to configuring your group. Enter:

  • Name - name for the group
  • Description - optionally add the group description
  • Apply flags
    • Items basic - if change the name or add the new option, this operation will be repeated in the related forms.
    • Items variables - linking the variables items to each other. For example if change the variable name from centos-7 to centos-71, in all related items variable name will be changed to centos-71
    • Items pricing - if the price of some items has been changed, then related items in other forms from the group will also have edited pricing
    • Items deletion - removing item from form will propagate to other forms in this group
  • Applied items - items selected to the form item group
  • Suggested items to apply - type in search form to list possible options

Deleting fields assigned to form groups and form item groups

When deleting a form field assigned to any group you have the choice to:

  • Delete only this field
  • Delete it with all related fields

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