Conekta & Oxxo

Conekta & Oxxo


Conekta is a payments engine for Mexico and LATAM. Conekta is a certified aggregator and technology company that builds a unique suite of payment methods for the Mexican market. Conekta card payments solution allows to accept local payment options like monthly installments and debit cards.  Oxxo is a an online payment method that works for people in Mexico, who prefer to pay with cash. HostBill supports Conekta and Oxxo payment gateways for collecting payments out of the box.

Activating the module

In order to activate the module login to your HostBill admin panel, go to Settings → Modules → Payment Modules, choose Conekta and/or Oxxo gateway and click Activate.  

Module configuration

Once the payment gateway is activated you need to configure it. 
Please see external articles on how to setup:

Then proceed to filling in all other configuration fields:

  1. Public Key - key obtained from Conekta dashboard
  2. Private Key - key obtained from Conekta dashboard

To obtain Public & Private Keys, login to your Conekta dashboard, proceed to Nomadat → API Keys:

To fully configure Oxxo, you also need to setup your Oxxo callback. To do so:

  • Copy Callback URL from HostBill module configuration
  • Paste it in Nomadat → Webhooks → Crear Webhook:
    • URL Del Webhook - take from Callback URL from HostBill
    • Set Pruebas or Produccion checkbox if webhook should work with test or production mode keys
    • DO NOT ENABLE User para oxxo pay recurrente


Question: I've enabled the module but it does not display in my client portal.
Answer: This module does not support the currency you attempt to display it in, please use background currency conversion.

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