Ticket Filters

Ticket Filters

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Support → Support Tickets → Ticket Filters

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Ticket filters are a handy tool to perform certain actions on tickets based on pre-defined rules. Ticket Filters are a very useful tool for automating responses and selecting received tickets. There are two types of filters: pre-import and post-import. Both can be defined to fit your individual requirements.

Ticket Pre Filters

Pre filters can be used to automatically reject tickets that match defined rules. Ticket pre-import filters won't let unwanted messages in and prevent spammers, loop messages, autoresponders and many more. Pre filters are checked for each imported email and new tickets created by clients. 

Add new pre filter

To create new pre filter simply click on Add Pre Filter button. Provide the name for the filter, choose if you want the filter to match all or any of the conditions provided below. Then, you can create multiple conditions under which the message will be rejected. You can choose if you want to reject the ticket if its subject, message, sender email, sender name or cc emails contains or exactly matches provided value. You can also check the ticket against regex (regular expression) - you can learn more about regex in this article.

Ticket Post Filters

Post filters can be used to run macros to automatically set things like assigned staff member, tags, priority and more. Post filters are executed for all imported tickets, new tickets created by clients. 

Add new post filter

To create new post filter simply click on Add Post Filter button. Provide the name for the filter, choose if you want the filter to match all or any of the conditions provided below. You can also tick if you want the filter to be final - filters with final option will stop HostBill from checking other filters if they are matched. That means filters after this one won't get any chance to apply their functions.

Then, you can create multiple conditions under which certain macros will be applied. You can apply macros (choose from the drop-down menu below) to tickets which subject, message, sender email, sender name, cc emails, ticket date, ticket number, department name, ticket status, priority, client id, client group or any of the registration fields contains or exactly matches provided value. You can also check the ticket against regex (regular expression) - you can learn more about regex in this article.

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