
You can find this section in HostBill Admin â†’ Extras â†’ Downloads.

Table of contents


Downloads section allows you to add files that can be downloaded by your customers through their Client area. Downloads may include: some additional files that can be used with a certain product/service, applications which by default are paid, utility software etc. Downloads are divided into categories, so that clients are able to find a needed file more easily.

View files available for download

The Downloads page lists all files available for download. It also lists client files added directly from client profile.

Add new download category

Create new category button allows to create new download sections. You need to provide:

  • Parent category
  • Name - title to be displayed in client and admin area.
  • Visible - un-check if you do not want this category to be available in client area. It can be changed later.
  • Description - optional description shown in client area when viewing this category.

Add new file for download

Once you add a download category, you will be able to add a file, which needs to be configured according to the following features:

  • Name - a file name that is displayed both in admin and client area
  • File - can be uploaded in two ways:
    • Upload new file - you can upload a new file from your resources
    • Specify filename in downloads directory - you can upload a file which is already in downloads directory
  • Category - select under which category this file will be placed
  • Description - a short description of the file content
  • File assignment:
    • All registered/unregistered clients
    • Admin only file
    • File available to all registered customers
    • File available for selected clients/client groups. Here you can define:
      • Clients
      • Client groups
      • Only clients who own specified service
    • Admin only, assigned to clients/client groups
  • Notify clients - with this option enabled you can send email notification about uploaded file