Ticket Views
You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Support Tickets → Ticket Views.
Create custom ticket view
To create a new ticket view simply click on Create view button. You will need to provide:
- Name - for that view
- Audience - private or public
- Departments - select departments to which the view should apply
- Select columns to include in the view. You can choose from: Client, ticket number, ticket subject, ticket notes, ticket tags, last replier, last reply, ticket ID, date, department, email, ticket status, ticket priority, IP address, assigned to, number of replier, ticket type and number - subject.
- Choose the priority levels you want to be displayed (low, medium, high, critical)
- Choose the request types you want to be displayed (General, Problem, Incident, Task, Question)
- Choose the ticket statuses you want to be displayed
- Tick if you want to display only Unread tickets
- Tick if you want to display only Unassigned tickets
You can also use the filters in Ticket View:
- Message
- Name
- Subject
- Senderip
- Tags