Registrar settings

Registrar settings

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → Products & Services → Your Order Page → Your Domain → Registrar Settings

Configuring registrar settings:

  • App section allows to connect domains with domain registrars. A dropdown menu will display a list of domain modules which have been activated. 
  • App connection field allows to choose the app connection (as HostBill enables to add multiple connections to one domain module). The dropdown list will show available connection. You can also use Add new connection by using a button on the right. Connection can be tested using 'Test connection' option.
  • Nameservers - a list of Nameservers that will be used during the registration, clients can also provide their own settings as well. 
  • EPP regular expression - possibility to validate EPP code with regular expression
  • Require EPP for transfers - if you want to require EPP code for transfers, you may enable it in this tab.
  • Remove accented characters - checking this option will remove accented characters from contact data during registration or transfers

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