Domain settings: Other

You can find this section in HostBill Admin Area → Settings → General settings → Domain Settings → Other.

Table of contents


This section allows to manage settings for client interface.

Client area layout

This option allows to decide how client area will look like. Please note that this option works only on latest HostBill themes and may be overriden by provisioning module theme. Here you can decide where the client area widgets will appear:

  • Left menu
  • Right menu
  • Top menu

Cancellation requests

This option lets you decide whether or not to allow clients to file cancellation requests for domains.

Cancellation types

This option lets you decide which cancellation types to accept:

  • Immediate
  • End of billing period (at expiration)

Auto-process immediate cancellations

You can choose to:

  • process immediate cancellation with cron (delete domain at registry if its supported).
  • let staff first review such cancellation.

Auto-process "End of billing period" cancellation

You can choose to:

  • process "end of billing period" cancellation for domain X days before domain expiration date (delete domain at registry).
  • let staff review & process such cancellations.

Client domain notifications

This option lets you decide how client should receive notifications about domains:

  • single notification - customer will receive separate emails about each domain
  • bulk notifications - customer will receive max 1 email a day for all his domains

Expiring domain notification for auto-renewal

This option lets you decide how expiration reminders should be sent out:

  • enabled - Send expiration reminders to all domains
  • disabled - Send expiration reminders only to domains with auto-renew disabled

Grant access to domain contacts

Controls if HostBill should:

  • add domain management privileges to contacts used for registration or transfer. 
  • not add domain access privileges to domain contacts.

Notify domain contacts

Controls if HostBill should:

  • send sign-up email to contacts created for domain registration or transfer. 
  • not send welcome email to new domain contacts.

Allow internal transfers

Controls whether to show domains registered in this install as available for transfer in client area.

Block hosting creation

You can block hosting creation if there is no related domain or the related domain is still Pending.

Staff domain notifications

Controls how staff should receive notifications:

  • all - staff will receive all domain automation notifications
  • failed only - staff will receive only failed domain automation notifications

Expiration reminders

Controls who should receive expiration reminders:

  • Default, notify domain owner and HostBill contacts assigned to domain
  • Extended, notify above + registrant contact email fetched from registry