Client Contracts

You can find this section in HostBill Admin â†’ Clients â†’ Manage Clients â†’ Client Profile â†’ Contracts

Table of contents


Contracts are automatically generated documents that customer accepts after order. Contracts can be assigned to a given product or service or each client can has a default contract assigned. All client contracts are listed in the Contracts tab in client profile.

Add new contract

To add a new contract click on a blue "New Contract" button. You can also edit existing contract by configuring the fields:

  • Contract Number
  • Use as a default contract - each client can have one default contract
  • Contract template - choose the template (templates can be created in Settings â†’ Ordering â†’ Agreements & Contract templates
  • Status - Draft, Pending, Active, Expired, Cancelled
  • Expiration date
  • Accepted - mark whether or not the client accepted the contract
  • Accepted date
  • Accepted time
  • Public note
  • Attached files

Signing a contract by a client is one of the steps available in Order Scenarios - this is where you can decide whether this step should be included in your ordering process.  

Assigning or changing existing contract to the client is available in Client profile (section: Contracts) and in Account details → More Actions â†’ Change Contract.

There is a Contracts Client Function which enables clients to display related contracts.