Client Groups
You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Clients → Manage Clients → Clients Groups.
Table of contents
HostBill comes with a handy feature that allows you to organize your customers into groups. This option allows you to select certain group of clients and change all range of default settings for them i.e invoice due date, add late fee, send payment reminder emails. You can use this feature for example to let your priority clients stand out with privileged discounts, automation settings and more.
Note: All clients by default are assigned to "None" group
Allow client to control Invoice Delivery method
Create new client group
Click on add custom client group button and proceed to client group configuration:
General settings
In general settings tab you need to set basic configuration options for the client group
Name - for the client group
Group color - group members will be listed using this color
Admin-only description - optionally you add the description for this group, visible only in the admin area.
Billing settings
Your client group can have custom-made billing settings. Staff members can control Continuous invoice creation and Final invoice settings per each client group:
Generate final invoice after payment
You can choose to generate final invoice number once the payment is received or issue final invoice number immediately.
Allow client to control invoice delivery method
You can decide whether or not client can choose invoice delivery method
Invoice Delivery Method
You can choose invoice delivery method (Email + PDF, Email + Plain text, Paper, Paper + PDF)
Add to print queue
You can choose whether to add to print queue a pro-forma invoice or a final invoice.
Continue Invoice Creation
You can choose to create invoices even if the previous invoice is unpaid or create new invoices only when previous invoices are paid.
Merge invoices
You can choose to automatically merge invoices generated on the same day (cron run) regardless of due date or automatically merge generated invoices on the same day (cron run) with the same due date. Alternatively you can choose to generate separate invoice for each service
Merge options
You can choose to:
Issue invoice for domain renewal sooner, if customer has invoice for other services issued in renewal month
Issue invoice for hosting services sooner, if customer has invoice for other services issued in renewal month
Issue invoice for annual hosting services sooner, if customer has invoice for other services issued in renewal year
You can decide whether or not to move manually issued invoices to Collections status, and if yes, after how many days.
Allow upgrading service with unpaid invoice
You can decide whether or not to allow to upgrade a service with unpaid invoice
Auto-cancel invoices: cancel overdue invoices N days after due date
You can decide whether or not to allow to cancel overdue invoices
Payment & Credit
Default payment gateway
You can choose a default payment gateway and apply the selection to all existing services.
Charge Credit Cards
This section allows you to choose whether you want to let clients pay manually or charge client's credit cards automatically X days before due date. If you choose the latter one you set if you want to attempt only once to charge or try charging credit card for X following days.
Charge bank accounts
This section allows you to choose whether you want to let clients pay manually or charge client's bank account.
Credit on Downgrade
You can decide whether or not to credit pro-rated amount on package downgrade
Auto-apply credit
You can decide whether to apply available credit to new orders & recurring invoices immediately or let customer use his credit manually
Auto-apply Credit Delay
You can set the number of days before invoice due date after which to apply credit automatically.
Invoice template
With this feature you can override invoice template and choose a different one for group.
Estimate template
With this feature you can override estimate template and choose a different one for group.
Credit note template
With this feature you can override credit note template and choose a different one for group.
Automation settings
Time zone
Each client group can have its own time zone set.
You can decide if you want to keep the general automation settings for this client group or if you want to override the automation tasks that had been set in packages and create custom rules.
The custom rules can concern:
Automatic Upgrades
Automatic Renew
Automatic Suspension
Automatic Termination
Auto-register domains
Auto-transfer domains
Auto-renew domains
Generate invoices
Advanced due date settings
Send payment reminder emails
Add Late Fee
Late Fee days
Orders settings
Order scenario - you can choose whether customers from this group should fall under your default order scenario or their orders should be processed according to a custom order scenario.
Pro-rata billing - with this option enabled clients will have all their services billed on a certain day of the month.
Upgrade pro-rata -if you enabled Pro-rata billing for given product/service, you can define how HostBill should calculate charges when clients make upgrades/downgrades. Available options are:
Seconds - calculate charge based on time left to due date
Hours - calculate charge based on hours left to due date
Days - calculate charge based on days left to due date
Contract Generation - you choose to override system or package settings and either generate new contract for each new client or attempt to re-use customer default contarct
Client group feature gives you the opportunity to select group of customers and set them discount for selected product and services. You can use this feature for example to give 30% percent discount for top 10 paying customers.
You can give the client group a Global discount which applies to all of your products and services (in percentage). You can choose if you want the discount to apply to form components as well, and choose exactly which components.
Optionally you can give the client group a discount only to selected Category, Product or Product Component from your portfolio. Discount can be either fixed amount or a percentage and can be different for various products.
You can also select the Expiry date for the discount and set notifications:
Notify admin X days before discount expired
Notify admin after discount expired
Change recurring amount after discount expired
Admin-only description section allows to set a description visible only for staff members.
Support & Notifications settings
This section allows to configure various support & notification settings
Send emails - decide whether:
Use Default settings
Send out all emails
Don't send any emails
Ticket priority - choose default ticket priority per group
Default ticket rate - choose default ticket rate per group
Auto CC emails to ticket - you can list email addresses that will be automatically added to new tickets assigned to clients from this group.
Override Support Rates - you can override your existing support rates for this client group or create custom support rates.