Client Statuses

Client Statuses

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Clients → Manage Clients.

Table of contents


To help you better manage the customers, all clients listed in your HostBill have one of the following statuses: active, closing, closed, pending removal, archived, lead, prospect and lost. 

Client Statuses

Active Clients

Active customers are customers registered with you, who not necessarily currently have active services with you, but are able to login to your client area, place orders and manage accounts and products/services.  
Active customers are getting email notifiations.

Closing Clients

Closing Clients can manage their current services, but are not allowed to order new ones.
Closing customers are getting email notifications.

Closed Clients

Closed Clients are not able to login to your client area any longer.
Closed customers will not receive email notifications.

Pending removal 

Pending removal status means that client account is Closed and will be removed within few days.
Clients in this state are getting email notifications.

Archived Clients

Clients are archived after specified number of months after last payment. Archived clients can not log in to your client area.
Archived customers will not receive email notifications.

Internal sales statuses

To help you manage your customers journey with you and move customers between different stages in your sales funnel we also created the following statuses:

  • Lead
  • Prospect
  • Lost

Clients with those statuses can't login by themselves and Lead and Lost will  not receive any email or mobile notifications. 

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