You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → General Settings → Ordering.
Available options
Multi-item Cart
With HostBill you have the opportunity to choose the shopping cart model that best suits your business needs. With multi-item cart you allow your customers to build multi-item orders (this way you can sell more at once). Optionally you can stick to single-item cart, which is the fastest way to get the client from selecting the product to checkout.
Choose the multi-item cart option:
- Enable - allow more than one service in cart
- Disable - only one service in cart
Redirection after order
This option controls which page will be displayed after the client successfully submits new order. You can choose one of the following options:
- Redirect the user to the invoice - user will be taken to the newly generated invoice
- Redirect the user to the gateway - user will be taken to payment gateway page (this may vary between modules, some may instantly capture payment and redirect to order completed page)
- Show the order completed page - default page that displays order information.
If ordered service is free, HostBill will use 'order completed page'.
Out of stock products
Here you can decide whether or not HostBill should display out of stock products. You can choose to:
- Hide - do not show products that are out of stock in order pages
- Show - show out of stock products, without the ability to order them
Access order pages
Here you can decide when clients can list and access order pages. You can choose to:
- Allowto access and view portfolio for all visitors
- Require login/signupbefore accessing order pages
- Require login/signupbefore listing & accessing available order pages
Estimate public access
This option lets you enable/disable estimate public access and decide who can view the estimate. Available options include:
- (Public access Enabled) - anyone with valid link can view estimate
- (Public access Disabled) - require login before viewing estimate
Default Billing Cycle
In this option you can choose the default billing cycle:
- Hourly
- Weekly
- Daily
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-Annually
- Annually
- Biennially
Default Payment Gateway
In this option you can choose the default payment gateway from the ones that you have activated (in Extras → Plugins → Payment Gateways)
Billing cycles display
This setting can be used to customize options for billing cycle dropdowns in the client area cart.
Variables that can be used to create custom format:
- {$price} - Recuring amount
- {$setup} - Setup fee amount
- {$cycle} - Cycle code
- {$cycle_name} - Translated cycle name
- {$price_line} - Recuring amount with cycle name
- {$setup_line} - Setup Fee with translated {$lang.setupfee} keyword
- {$free_tld} - Info about free tld offer. Uses {$lang.freedomain} keyword
- {$cycle_rate} - Recuring price converted to shortest cycle available for product
- {$cycle_rate_name} - Translated shortest cycle name
- {$cycle_discount} - estimated % discount calculated from lowest item cycle. Uses {$lang.cycle_discount} keyword
Domain period display
This setting can be used to customize options for domain period dropdowns in the client area cart.
Variables that can be used to create custom format:
- {$price} - Registration / transfer fee
- {$renew} - Recuring amount
- {$cycle} - Period in years
- {$cycle_name} - Translated cycle name
- {$price_monthly} - Registration / transfer fee converted to monthly price
- {$renew_monthly} - Recuring amount concerted to monthly price
- {$cycle_discount} - estimated % discount for registration/transfer fee calculated from shortest period. Uses {$lang.cycle_discount} keyword
Service statuses for limit calculation
HostBill provides you with the opportunity to define how many certain products/services one customer is allowed to buy. With this feature you can select which service statuses contribute to usage calculation.
Key size to generate CSR
You can choose the key size from the dropdown menu.
Direct-cart links for hidden products
- Unprotected direct cart links contains just product id (default)
- Protected direct cart links will contain unique hash, which will protect hidden products from iterating by ID and to prevent from ordering it without authorization.
Starts from price
- cart categories page (default)
- Hide "starts from price"
Auto-generate service group during order
This option allows to choose whether to automatically create service group when the order is placed (either by client or by a staff member).