Domain DNS Automation

You can find this section in HostBill Admin Area → Settings → General settings → DNS Settings→ Domain DNS Automation.

Table of contents


This section allows to manage DNS automation settings. 

DNS Service Package

Here, you can set the DNS Service Package that will be used for: 

  • Matching nameservers.
    NS set in this product's configuration will be compared to domain nameservers. If nameservers match, DNS zone can be auto-created by this plugin.
  • Creating DNS management package.
    Once customer visits DNS management section in his domain, and its nameservers are set to your servers, he will be redirected to account with DNS management feature for this package.

To add a new DNS Service Package click on "Create new DNS package" and follow the instructions.  This product can be hidden from customers, or free - it is used as connector and configuration reference for creating zones on actual DNS server.

Create Zone on: Register / Transfer

This option allows to decide whether and when to create a DNS on domain registration / transfer.

  • after successful domain registration / transfer
  • do not create zones automatically

Optionally you can decide:

  • Do not create zone if domain was ordered with hosting in one order.
  • Add existing zone if it was created during hosting provision.

Create Zone on: NS Change

This option allows to decide whether or not to create zones on nameserver changes. You can choose to:

Remove DNS Zone

This option allows to decide when to remove DNS Zones:

  • On domain deletion
  • On domain cancelation (past grace period)

DNS Management

This option allows to hide client function is nameservers do not match to DNS service and domain registrar.

Available DNS TTLs

Here you can enter coma separated TTLs allowed to enter by client in client portal, using s for second, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days,  ie: 10s,20m,40h,4d