Free Products

You can find this section in HostBill Admin â†’ Extras → Promotions → Free Products

Table of contents:


HostBill provides opportunity to offer free products in addition to other products or services (currently being purchased by client or already active). This feature can be used for up-selling: offer free products to other, expensive products or services. 

Creating new 'Free Product' offer

To add new free product offer go to Free Products section and click on Add new offer button at the left menu.

Configuring new Free products offer

Free products are configured according to the following features:

  • Name - name for the offer
  • Client area description - description visible in the promo box in client area
  • Admin description - internal, admin only description of the offer
  • Status - enabled / disabled
  • Expiration date - date when the offer expires
  • Offer period - if the free product/service is billed recurringly, the offer can concern only the first billing period or be valid for lifetime.
  • Target Audience - offer can be valid either for all clients, only for new clients or only for registered clients.
  • Max usage per client - offer can be limited in use per one client. 

Free products: conditions of use

Free products are offered based on a pre-defined conditions.

First, choose one or more product/services from your portfolio that free products will be offered as an addition to. These products/services can be already active or pending or in client's cart.

Then define which products/services from your portfolio will be added for free.

The offer is displayed in cart only to the clients, who met the conditions but it is not applied automatically - clients need to claim the offer by clicking the appropriate button, when placing the order: