Promotional codes

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Extras → Promotions → Promotional Codes 


HostBill gives you the opportunity to generate and distribute promo codes to your current and new customers to drive engagement and boost sales. You can offer your customers a fixed amount or percentage discount for all or selected products and services in your store. Manage discounts to be valid to only new or existing customers or selected customer groups. Promo codes can also be generated in batches.

To check how coupons are used you need to go under Extras → System Logs → Coupons usage. 

Creating new coupon / promo code

To add new promotional code go to Promotional Codes section and click on Add new code button at the left menu.

Configuring coupons / promo codes

Promotional codes/coupons are configured according to the following features:

  • Coupon Code - you can type in a code text or just generate it at random.

  • Status - Active or Archived

  • Coupon type - there are three types of coupons:

    • Cart coupon - applicable to the order in cart (for new and existing customers)

    • Invoice coupon - applicable to the unpaid invoices (only for existing customers). This type of coupon works only for invoices generated from products or services, and not manually created invoices.

    • Cart and invoice coupon - applicable both in cart and in the invoice. This coupon can only be added to the total price for existing customers.

    • Flavor coupon - applicable to products/services with flavor billing

  • Discount - here you can define the discount amount that will be applied by the coupon. It can be set as a percentage or as a fixed amount.

  • Discount type - there are two types of discounts to choose from: Apply once or recurring. The first one can be applied only once and afterwards the coupon gets invalid, the latter can be used more than once.

  • Apply to - the code can apply to the recurring price, setup fee or total price.

  • Applicable by - here you can define to whom the code will be applied:

    • All customers - the code will be applied to all customers

    • Only new customers - the code is available only for newcomers.

    • Only existing customers - the code can be applied to customers that are registered in your database. It can be applied to all or to a specific client.

  • Maximum usage - this tab allows to define how many times a given code can be used. Once the maximum usage is harnessed the code becomes inactive. Next to the tab you can see actual code usage.

  • Max. use per one client - decide if the client can use the promo code more than once

  • Expiration date - there you can set the coupon expiration date. After given date the code will become inactive.

  • Notes (Admin only) - here you can provide some additional notes about promotional codes that are visible only for you and other admins.

  • Applies to - here you have to define to what type of product/services the code would be applied to. You can use it to:

    • Products

    • Categories

    • Addons

    • Domains

    • Form components

    • Add Funds

    • or to all of them at once.

  • Applicable products - you can choose which products the discount should apply to or apply it to all products

  • Applicable domain TLDs - you can choose which tlds the discount should apply to or apply it to all tlds. You can also choose to:

    • Apply to domain registration

    • Apply to domain transfers

    • Apply to domain renewals

  • Applicable billing cycles - you can choose which billing cycles the discount should apply to or apply it to all billing cycles.

It's up to you how you will distribute codes. You can send them to specific clients, display them as a news/announcement in the Client Area or post them on your website.

Auto-applying coupon details to invoice emails

If you have active invoice coupons in your system, you can edit your invoice-related templates (like notification about new invoice, invoice reminders, invoice overdue notices) and auto-assign related coupon to email notification, to encourage customer to pay for invoice with additional discount applied. To do so, in related email template you can use following block:

{havepromocodes invoice=$invoice} {if $coupon} Hurry up and save! You can use following coupon code: <strong>{$coupon.code}</strong> to get up to {$coupon.value} {if $coupon.type=='percent'}%{else}{$currency.code}{/if} off your invoice total! To use it, login to our client portal, open this invoice and click on Add Coupon Code {/if}

Customer will see coupon code on email notification only if it can be applied to his invoice

Applying coupon to "add to cart" links

When using add to cart ilnk available in each product coupon you can modify it to auto-apply coupon code by applying "promocode" argument to its url containing coupon code, ie:{PRODUCTID}&promocode={PROMOCODE}

Code Batches

You can use Code Batches feature to generate batches of coupons. Code Batches section lists all created batches of promotional codes with details. If you click on List codes button, you will get the list of all the codes from the batch. It is also possible to export codes to csv file.

Configuring Code Batches

To create a new batch of promo codes simply click on Add new Batch button and enter:

  • Batch name 

  • Status - Active or Archived

  • Code complexity:

    • Alphanumeric

    • Alphanumeric, all upper-case

    • Alphabetic

    • Alphabetic, all upper-case

    • Numeric

  • Code prefix - prefix for each generated code

  • Generated coupons - the number of generated codes

Then you can configure the Coupon details as described above. 

When editing batch, HostBill will automatically edit all codes in the batch