Message templates

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → Message Templates

Table of contents


HostBill offers a wide range of email templates, that are divided into two sections: Client and Admin. Templates aren't encrypted, so they can be easily edited and modified by admins. Such solution gives a possibility for a quick and dynamic emails' content generation. Moreover, content can be edited by adding or removing some parts, or by enabling Plain/HTML text.

Both Client and Admin templates are divided into groups: Domain, Product, Billing, General, Support and Custom. Client can decide what type/group of emails / notifications they wish to receive (by default all). Client Contacts receive emails / notifications related to its group, depending on contact ACL.

Client Emails

Client email templates are used for sending emails to HostBill clients. Since HostBill is an automatic software, a lot of actions are taken automatically and as a result an email notification is sent. Client templates can be edited according to your individual requirements. Templates can be also enabled or disabled by you if you decided that some of them are not of use to you at the given moment and you want to prevent certain emails from being sent. Each email can be also sent as a notification in client area - to do so just click on "Post Portal Notification" checkbox in template details.

Admin Emails

Admin email templates are used for sending emails to HostBill admins in various situations, such as: Cron daily results, Account Cancellation Request, when a new order has been placed etc. Admin templates can be edited, but it's not recommended to do so.

Account Cancellation Request template

Account Cancellation Request Email Preview

Custom email templates

HostBill gives you the possibility to customize email templates. If you feel that some part of the template doesn't suit your needs or you want to extend template's content you are welcome to do so. Email templates in HostBill are fully editable and they can be modified according to your requirements. You may find this option useful, especially for editing new product's notification email templates, which by default are quite long and contain a lot of details.

Add new custom email template

If you feel that templates provided by default aren't suitable for you, you can create your own template. In order to do so, you need to go under Settings → Email templates → Add new template. HostBill will assist you during that process by giving you useful hints, such as available email variables. From now on you don't need to posses any developer skills - just choose what information you want to include in your template and HostBill will automatically convert it into code. New template can be created both in Plain and HTML text. You can assign your new templated to selected group.

When adding new template you need to enter:

  • Template name
  • Subject
  • Send using - Default mail sender or one of the Additional mail senders
  • Send as:
    • Plain text
    • HTML
    • HTML + plain text
  • Portal Notification - choose if you want the client to see the portal notification in their client area
  • Log email sent - only admins with Access Confidential Email Logs ACL will have access to contents of confidential email log
  • Body

Multi-language email templates

Once you have activated another language under Settings → General settings → Language Settings the possibility to create a template in other language appears. Here you can translate given template to your language and Save it. When client registers and chooses the language he/she is going to use, an email notification will be sent in that language. It's very useful tool, especially if you work locally and some of your clients aren't fluent in English, which is the default HostBill language. 

Note: Only Clients templates are translatable.

Email template PDF attachements

Each email template can have a PDF document attached to it. To learn how to generate and attach PDFs please read the article on Email template attachements.

Client Mobile Notifications

With HostBill mobile notifications you can notify your customers on their mobile device about various events in HostBill. You can use the set of pre-defined templates available in Client Notifications section or create a custom one.

Admin Mobile Notifications

With HostBill mobile notifications you can notify your staff membbers on their mobile device about various events in HostBill. You can use the set of pre-defined templates available in Admin Notifications section or create a custom one.

Custom Mobile Template

If you feel that templates provided by default aren't suitable for you, you can create your own template. HostBill will assist you during that process by giving you useful hints, such as available variables. 

To create a custom mobile template click on Add Template button and enter:

  • Template name
  • Subject
  • Log email sent - only admins with Access Confidential Email Logs ACL will have access to contents of confidential email log
  • Body
  • Alternative body
  • Show available variables

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