List of system Email templates

System Email Templates

The following Email templates are installed by HostBill out of the box:

Client Email Templates


  • ('Account:Password Reset', 'Client') - notification for client who requested password change and new access details
  • ('Clients:New File', 'Client') - notification that a new file was added to client area
  • ('Details:Affiliate:Report', 'Client') - notification about a monthly affiliate referrals report
  • ('Details:Delete', 'Client') - notification that the account was deactivated and marked deletion as requested
  • ('Details:Invite', 'Client') - notification that another user invites the client to their account
  • ('Details:Login', 'Client') - notification for client to welcome them back to their billing account
  • ('Details:Password Request', 'Client') - notification to client with Client Area Login Details as per client requested
  • ('Details:Password Reset', 'Client') - notification that a new client area password was generated
  • ('Details:Signup', 'Client') - message after signup with login details
  • ('Client Verify', 'Client'), 'Client') - 
  • ('MFA:Disabled','Client') - notification that the two-factor authentication for the account was disabled
  • ('MFA:Enabled', 'Client') - notification that the two-factor authentication for the account was enabled


  • ('Invoice:Cancelled', 'Client') - notification that the invoice was cancelled
  • ('Invoice:Collections', 'Client') - notification that the invoice was moved to collection
  • ('Invoice:Final', 'Client') - notification that VAT invoice was issued to their recent payment
  • ('Invoice:Overdue', 'Client') - notification that an invoice is overdue
  • ('Invoice:Paid', 'Client') - confirmation that the order was paid
  • ('Invoice:Refund', 'Client') - notification that the transaction was refunded
  • ('Invoice:Reminder', 'Client') - reminder for client about an unpaid invoice


  • ('Order:Accept', 'Client') - notification to client that the order was received and contracts must be accepted by client to proceed
  • ('Order:FraudOrder', 'Client') - notification that the system automatically classified client's recent order as fraudulent
  • ('Order:New', 'Client') - confirmation that the order was received
  • ('Quote:New', 'Client') - confirmation that the quote request was received
  • ('Estimate', 'Client') - notification for client with requested estimate details

Products & Services:

  • ('Account:Cancellation Request', 'Client') - confirmation that the cancellation request was received
  • ('Account:ChangeOwner:NewOwner', 'Client') - notification that a certain service was pushed from another account to the client's account
  • ('Account:ChangeOwner:OldOwner', 'Client') - notification that a certain service was pushed from client's account to the other account
  • ('Domain:BulkExpires', 'Client') - notification with the list of domains that are about to expire
  • ('Domain:Cancellation Request', 'Client') - confirmation that the cancellation request was received


  • ('Ticket:AutoClose', 'Client') -  notification that client ticket changed status from open to closed
  • ('Ticket:By Admin', 'Client') -  notification about a new ticket created by admin
  • ('Ticket:Reply', 'Client') - notification about ticket reply
  • ('Ticket:TimeLimit', 'Client') - notification that a client's email could not be accepted as ticket and the client has to wait before sending next request
  • ('LiveChat:Chat transcription', 'Client') - requested chat session transcription

Admin Email Templates


  • ('Account:Password Reset', 'Admin') - notification for admin that the account password was changed
  • ('Admin:Assigned Order Ownership', 'Admin') - notification for admin that a certain order was assigned to them
  • ('Admin:Order Ownership Changed', 'Admin') - notification for admin that a certain order ownership was changed
  • ('Clients:Add Contact', 'Admin') - notification for admin that client added a new contact to their profile
  • ('Clients:Add Funds', 'Admin') - 
  • ('Clients:Credit Added', 'Admin') - notification for admin that client added credit to their account
  • ('Clients:Details Changed', 'Admin') - notification for admin that client changed their details
  • ('Clients:Password Forgotten', 'Admin') - notification for admin that client requested the password reminder
  • ('Clients:Signup', 'Admin') - notification for admin about a new client signup up with all client details included
  • ('Cron Results', 'Admin')) -  notification for admin with cron report details
  • ('Details:Admin Login Notification', 'Admin') - notification for admin about new admin login with login details included (date, IP, host)
  • ('Details:Failed Login', 'Admin') - notification for admin about the failed login attempt
  • ('Details:Password Request', 'Admin') - notification that there was an password reset attempt for the admin login in HostBill Admin panel
  • ('Details:Password Reset', 'Admin') - notification that a new admin area password was generated
  • ('MFA:Disabled', 'Admin') - notification that the two-factor authentication for the account was disabled
  • ('MFA:Enabled', 'Admin') - notification that the two-factor authentication for the account was enabled
  • ('Reports:Auto-export', 'Admin') - report snapshot
  • ('Product: Low Stock', 'Admin') - notification about low stock of certain products


  • ('Invoice:Chargeback', 'Admin') - notification that the chargeback for transaction was received
  • ('Invoice:Collections', 'Admin') -  notification that the invoice was moved to Collections
  • ('New Incoming Transaction', 'Admin') - notification about a new transaction
  • ('Notes:Change', 'Admin') - notification about changed notes


  • ('Order:New', 'Admin') - notification about a new order
  • ('Order:Pending Review', 'Admin') - notification that an order is pending review
  • ('Quote:New', 'Admin') - notification about a new quote request
  • ('Estimate:Accepted', 'Admin') - notification that the estimate was accepted by client

Products & Services:

  • ('Account:Automatic Setup', 'Admin') - automatic setup notification for admin, sent when the first payment for given service was received and account was automatically created
  • ('Account:Automation Results', 'Admin') - notification for admin about a certain automation actions results (success/error) 
  • ('Account:Cancellation Request', 'Admin') - notification for admin about a new cancellation request
  • ('Domain:Automation Results', 'Admin') - notification about the domain automation results (success/error)
  • ('Domain:Cancellation Request', 'Admin') - notification about the new cancellation request


  • ('Ticket:Assigned', 'Admin') - notification that a new ticket was assigned to admin
  • ('Ticket:Closed', 'Admin') - notification that a ticket was closed
  • ('Ticket:Escalated', 'Admin') - notification that a ticket was escalated
  • ('Ticket:New', 'Admin') - notification about a new ticket
  • ('Ticket:Notes Change', 'Admin') - notification that a ticket notes were updated
  • ('Ticket:Reply', 'Admin') -  notification about a new ticket reply