Available Email / Mobile Notifications Variables

Available Email / Mobile Notifications Variables

The following variables are available to use in your email and mobile notifications templates. 


Please note that not all variables are included in all templates, for example a template concerning a Service does not include an Invoice variable. 

You can mix those variables - ie. when email regarding services suspension is sent you can use client, service, server variables.

It Is possible to list all email variables using {debug} function, this list will show up in your email message.

In all emails related to client:

{$client.id} - Client ID

{$client.email} - Client Email Address

{$client.firstname} - Client First Name

{$client.lastname} - Client Last Name

{$client.companyname} - Client Company Name

{$client.address1} - Client Address 1

{$client.address2} - Client Address 2

{$client.city} - Client City

{$client.state} - Client State

{$client.postcode} - Client Post Code

{$client.country} - Client Country

{$client.phonenumber} - Client Phone Number

{$client.datecreated} - Client Date Created

{$client.notes} - Client Notes

In all emails related to customer service:

{$service.product_name} - Product Name

{$service.username} - User Name

{$service.password} - Password

{$service.rootpassword} - Root Password  (for VPS/dedi products)

{$service.ip} - Main IP  (for VPS/dedi products)

{$service.additional_ip} - Additional IP  (for VPS/dedi products)

{$service.type} - Virtualization (for VPS products)

{$service.guaranteed_ram} - Guaranteed RAM

{$service.burstable_ram} - Burstable RAM

{$service.os} - OS Template

{$service.status} - Status

{$service.order_num} - Order Number

{$service.module_name} - Module Name

{$service.domain} - Domain Name

{$service.gateway} - Payment Getaway

{$service.firstpayment|price:$currency} - First Payment

{$service.total|price:$currency} - Recurring Amount

{$service.billingcycle} - Billing Cycle

{$service.next_due|dateformat:$date_format} - Next Due Date

{$service.next_invoice|dateformat:$date_format} - Next Invoice Date

{$service.date_created|dateformat:$date_format} - Creation/order date

{$service.product_id} - Product ID

In all emails related to App/Server or which customer service resides:

{$server.name} - Server Name

{$server.ip} - Server IP

{$server.host} - Server Host

{$server.status_url} - Server Status URL

{$server.ns1} - Server Name 1

{$server.ip1} - Server IP 1

{$server.ns2} - Server Name 2

{$server.ip2} - Server IP 2

{$server.ns3} - Server Name 3

{$server.ip3} - Server IP 3

{$server.ns4} - Server Name 4

{$server.ip4} - Server IP 4

In all emails related to invoices:

{$invoice.id} - Invoice ID

{$invoice.total|price:$currency} - Invoice Total Price

{$invoice.subtotal|price:$currency} - Invoice Subtotal Price

{$invoice.credit|price:$currency} - Invoice Credit 

{$invoice.gateway} - Invoice Payment Getaways

{$invoice.status} - Invoice Status

{$invoice.date|dateformat:$date_format} - Invoice Create Date

{$invoice.duedate|dateformat:$date_format} - Invoice Due Date

{$invoice.paybefore|dateformat:$date_format} - Invoice Pay Before

{$invoice.datepaid|dateformat:$date_format} - Invoice Paid Date

{$invoice.notes} - Invoice Notes

{$invoice.balance|price:$currency} - Invoice transactions balance (amount left to pay)

In all emails related to domains:

{$domain.name} - Domain Name

{$domain.status} - Domain Status

{$domain.registrar} - Domain Registar Name

{$domain.gateway} - Domain Payment Getaway

{$domain.order_id} - Domain Order ID

{$domain.date_created|dateformat:$date_format} - Domain Created Date

{$domain.firstpayment|price:$currency} - Domain First Payment

{$domain.recurring_amount|price:$currency} - Domain Recurring Amount

{$domain.period} - Domain Period In Years

{$domain.expires|dateformat:$date_format} - Domain Expiration Date

{$domain.next_due|dateformat:$date_format} - Domain Next Due Date

{$domain.next_invoice|dateformat:$date_format} - Domain Next Invoice Date

{$domain.epp_code} - Domain EPP Code

Additionally in all emails you can use:

{$system_url} - System URL

{$service.username} - Username

{$service.password} - Password

HostBill uses Smarty (v2) and the variables can be modified using Smarty Modifiers https://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.modifiers.tpl 

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