Additional currencies
You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → General Settings → Currency & Tax Settings → Additional Currencies
Adding new currency
To add new currency simply click Add new currency button in Additional Currencies section and provide new currency details:
Currency ISO code
3-letter code from ISO 4217 table.
Currency Sign
Symbol or letter code used before price, e.g. $10, £10, ¥10.
Suffix displayed
Symbol or letter code used after price, e.g. 10 USD, 10 EUR.
Currency Display Format
Controls how prices are formatted in admin and client areas
Conversion rate
Conversion rate to your main currency.
Auto-update rate
HostBill can automatically update the additional currency rate. HostBill by default uses Google Currency for currency rates - this module is included in all HostBill editions and enabled by default.
Note: `Update conversion rates` task must be enabled/added on the Settings > General Settings > Task List page.