Client balance

Client balance

You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → General Settings → Billing → Client balance

Available options

Adding Funds

Choose if you want to allow clients to add extra funds for future use. If you tick yes you can choose minimum and maximum deposit the client can make.

Add overpayment to credit

Decide whether or not to add overpayment to credit

Credit Receipts

Credit receipts are documents required in some EU countries to confirm that client has added funds to the account. You can modify and customize credit receipt layout in Document templates section. If this option is disabled regular invoice instead of credit receipt will be issued.

Adjust next receipt number

Next credit receipt number

Lets you define initial number of your credit receipt documents in HostBill.

Credit receipt numeration format

Each credit receipt number can be sufixed with month (MM), year (YYYY), yearmonth (YYYYMM) or your custom sufix composed with available variables:
Use {$y} for the year, {$d} for the day, {$m} for the month,

Generate Credit Receipt number after payment

This option allows to decide when the final number of the Credit Receipt should be generated. You can choose between:

  • Yes, generate credit receipt number after payment

  • No, issue credit receipt number immediately

Allow paying in bulk 

This option lets you decide if you want to allow clients to generate bulk-payment invoice.

Credit on Downgrade

With this feature enabled, if the customer decides to downgrade their package you can credit customer pro-rated amount for future use instead of issuing the refund. Available options include:

  • No, do not credit customer pro-rated amount on package downgrade

  • Yes, credit customer pro-rated amount on package downgrade

  • Yes, credit customer pro-rated amount on package downgrade, only after client doesn't have unpaid invoices (credit downgrade queue)

Auto-apply credit 

This option allows you to decide how the available funds (credits) will be used. You can:

  • Let customer use his credit manually

  • apply available credit to new orders & recurring invoices immediately.

  • apply available credit to new orders immediately, and to recurring invoice  days before due date.

  • don't available credit to new orders but apply to recurring invoice  days before due date.

  • apply available credit only to invoices with taxed items

Allow customer to control automatic credit application

This option lets you decide if you want to allow clients to control automatic credit application.

Require active order

This option lets you choose whether:

  • client needs to have at least one active order before being able to add funds

  • client can add funds even if he doesn't have active orders

Pay before using voucher

This option lets you choose whether:

  • client needs to submit at least one successful payment before using voucher

  • client can use voucher as soon as he signs up

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