Moving HostBill to different location
Moving HostBill to different location
You may find yourself in a situation where you need to move HostBill from one domain/server to another, or simply to put it in a subdomain. You can easily do so by following steps below:
Moving files
Copy all HostBill files from your current location to the new one and make sure to set proper CHMODs after moving:
- templates_c to 777
- attachments to 777
- downloads to 777
- admin/cron.php to 755
- admin/pipe.php to 755
Moving database
Once all files are in the new location it's time to move the database.
- Create dump of your current HostBill database using your control panel of choice, phpmyadmin or mysqldump command.
- Create database at the new location and use your backup to fill its contents
Once the database is in place make sure to update /includes/config.php in your new HostBill location to match the new database access details
Updating license details
If your license domain / IP or location has changed you need to update our licensing system with new values. To do so:
- Login to [http://clients.hostbillapp.com]
- Locate your license in Services section
- Set license location to new details
, multiple selections available,
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