Main Cron job

To finalize setup, you'll need a properly functioning cron job. Create two cron jobs:

  1. Pointing to the /admin/cron.php file set to run every 5 minutes.

    */5 * * * * php -q /path/to/hb/admin/cron.php

    This cron job is responsible for handling all tasks defined under Settings → Task List 

  2. Pointing to queue.php to run every minute.

    * * * * * php -q /path/to/hb/queue.php

    This cron job is responsible for handling background/queue tasks.

When setting up cron tasks make sure to define it under the user that owns your installation directory. Do not use root user as it may cause file permission issues for your web server if cache files were generated during cron run.

queue.php available arguments

When adding crontab entry for queue.php you can add command additional arguments to it: