You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Support → Knowledgebase.
List Categories
This tab allows you to view and manage (add, edit, delete, sort) your knowledge base categories. One you click on the given category name you will see all articles added to that category along with the statistics (number of views, number of upvotes and downvotes).
Adding new Knowledgebase category
Knowledgebase articles can be divided into categories. Each category can also have sub-categories. To create to new category simply click on Add Category button and provide:
- Parent Category - if you want to set the category hierarchy you can set the parent category
- Admin Only - you can create categories that will be visible only for staff. If you choose this option your clients will not be able to see articles under this category.
- Name - the name for the category
- Slug - a final part of the url leading to category (for example
- Description - optionally you can add the category description
Adding new Knowledgebase article
To add a new article to your knowledgebase simply click on Add article button and provide:
- Category - under which the article should be visible
- Registered Only - tick if you want the article to be visible to registered clients only
- Title - title of your article
- Slug - (for example
- Article content - enter the content of your article
- Related articles - you can choose related articles from the list of already published articles
- Tags - for easier management you can add tags to the article
Before submitting the article you can preview its content.
Multilanguage knowledgebase articles
Knowledgebase articles can be uploaded in more than one language. Simply provide the content for any language you've enabled for your client area.
Knowledgebase article sorting
Knowledgebase management options allow to sort articles and categories. Articles will also count their views to help you decide which articles should go to the top.
Browse in tree
The Knowledgebase articles can be here viewed in a tree view.
Knowledgebase statistics will help you better understand what your customers are looking for (articles view statistics) or which articles turned out to be more useful. In the statistics tab you can check:
- 100 most viewed articles,
- 100 Most upvoted articles,
- 100 Most downvoted articles
- 100 least viewed articles.