Forms: Select server field

You can find this section in HostBill Admin â†’ Settings â†’ Products & Services â†’ Your order page â†’ Your product â†’ Components â†’ Forms → Add new form field → Custom/Extra field types → Select server.

Table of contents


Select server is one of the Form fields that allows clients to select server during order. Server" is separate entry HostBill → Settings → Apps that is related to this product.

How to use this field

  • Make sure to save product changes before configuring this field
  • For newly added field use "Preconfigure field" button above, this option will set required variable name + load servers you've have available in Connect with App for this product
  • You can update server names in Values tab
  • If you've added new server, use "Update field values" button that will appear above.
  • When account is inserted to database, this field will change default server for account to server that customer selected

Field limitations

  • This field will work correctly with "simple" provisioning apps, like cPanel, DirectAdmin etc.
  • Do not use it for more advanced apps, because:
    • HostBill often fetch resource IDs from certain server configured in this product for provisioning.
    • If customer would choose different server those IDs would not be valid, resulting in provisioning errors.
    • "Advanced" app is any app that under "Connect with app" present options that loads IDs rather than names/simple options
  • Make sure to monitor servers usage that are available in this field.
    • By default (when this field is not available), HostBill attempts to best-fit new accounts on configured servers.
    • When this field is enabled your customers can quickly overload single servers with new accounts.
    • When certain server is getting full, make sure to remove it from "Values" tab in this field.

Basic settings

In the Basic settings section you can configure:

  • Field name -  the name for this field

  • Required field - choose if you want the field to be required to proceed
  • Description - optionally you can add the description for the field
  • Form group 


In the Values section you can use values from Preconfigured field or add your own values.

For each value added you can configure:

  • Value passed to App
  • Value description
  • Enable pricing option - you can charge your clients for choosing this value:
    • Price in a given cycle
    • Setup fee
    • Upgrade fee

You also have a toggle option to hide value from the order page. 

Advanced settings

In the Advanced settings section you can configure:

  • CSS Class - field container will be displayed with this css class
  • Group - supported by some order pages to group option
  • Variable name - to use in emails
  • Admin only -  if this option is enabled o
  • Show in cart - d
  • Don't discount - when enabled promo codes will not discount this field
    • Default - show when priced or enabled in cart and not empty
    • Priced - show when selected value isn't free
    • Force - show even when it's empty or free

Client area sample view