Old enterprise platform (Enterprise installations up to Jan 2016) kept HostBill database in numerical format, which is hard to manage in some tools.
Below you can find short how-to move database to more user-friendly "hostbilldb".

1. Login to your HostBill server as root. Proceed to HostBill includes directory:

cd /home/hostbill/public_html/includes/

2. Check database name to create dump of:

 cat config.php | grep db_name

Sample return: >$db_name = '1408513157';

3. Copy database name, create dump

 mysqldump 1408513157 > /root/hbdump.sql

4. In console, create new database, user, and passwod to this user, make sure to enter your own secure password in commands below:

mysql -u root
create database hostbilldb;
CREATE USER 'hostbilldb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'strongpassword';
GRANT ALL ON hostbilldb.* TO 'hostbilldb'@'localhost';

5. Move database dump to newly created db

mysql hostbilldb < /root/hbdump.sql

6. Point HostBill to new database, by updating $db_ variables in file:
