You can find this section in HostBill Admin → Settings → General Settings →  Mail → Outgoing mail configuration

Table of contents


You can allow HostBill to send out emails. If you enable this option, here you to configure email client used to send system emails.

Send Emails

Define if you want to send out system emails or if you want to block system from sending any emails. If the feature is disabled - it overrides all other settings.

Email address for system emails

Choose which email address will be used as a sender (in 'From' field in your emails).

Mailer type 

Choose the type of email client.

  • PHP mail assumes your server is already preconfigured to send emails with base PHP functions. 
  • SMTP - type of email client that allows you to set-up connection with your email account.
SMTP Email Address

Enter your email address.

SMTP Hostname / Port 

This is used for SMTP connection. If you need to connect using specific protocol, prefix your hostname with it, eg. ssl://, tls://

SMTP Username / Pasword 

Used for SMTP connection - access details for that email account.

Limit mails per cron run 

Set maximum number of email notifications HostBill should send per one cron run.