About this module

 Login with Facebook (SSO_Facebook) plugin is part of Cloud signup module v2, once enabled it will allow your customers to:

Configuring module

  1.  Activate SSO_Facebook module in your HostBill in  Settings→Modules

  2. Obtain App ID and App Secret:
    1. Go to the https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and login at your Facebook developer account. 

    2. Create a new Facebook app with your desired name like HostBill Login

    3.  When selecting product, pick Facebook Login, in screen below enter your Valid OAuth redirect URIs obtained from Hostbill→settings→Modules→SSO_facebook

    4. Obtain and paste in Hostbill module settings App ID and App Secret from Facebook For Developers → Settings 

  3. If everything is configured properly, once user attempts to log-in he will be presented with screen upon logging in trough Facebook: