Enable API Access

Configuration of Enom HostBill module is really simple!

To gain access to enom's API you need email support with IP of server where HostBill resides. 

 HostBill Installation details
 main IP:
 URL: http://yourdomain.com/clients
 Go to enom.com and click "Support Center" and email support with correct IP. In this example

Activate Module

  1. Open domain module manager
  2. Select "Enom" and click "Activate"

Configure Module

  1. Enter username for enom.com account
  2. Enter password for enom.com account


username: enom1233acc
password: (*Yr234F@$4

Hostbill product configuration

  1. Login to admin panel
  2. Go to: Settings/Products & Services
  3. Click Add new order
  4. Insert name of your order, in order type choose Domains, other settings and click add new order page

  5. On next site click add new product
  6. Insert your domain extension and price's

  7. Go to Registrar settings section
  8. In registrar name choose namesilo and enter your nameservers
  9. Go to automation section, choose your automation settings and click on Save Changes

  10. Go to client functions section, choose client functions you want and then Save Changes