Free Currency conversion is a default currency conversion module used by "Update Conversion Rates". If no other currency conversion module is enabled - this one will be used.
This module makes use of one of 4 available data sources, note that all are free, but still requires registration to obtain API key. Available are:
- exchangerate.host
- free.currencyconverterapi.com
- exchangeratesapi.io
- fixer.io
Activating the module
- The plugin is free and available to all HostBill users. In order to activate the plugin go to Settings→ Modules→ Plugins → Inactive, find and activate Google google_currency conversion plugin.
- Once the plugin is activated you will be directed to Settings→ Modules→ Plugins to configure the module.
Module configuration
Fill in the configuration fields:
- Choose module display name
- Pick which data source you plan to use
- Enter API key for your data source in corresponding Input field